22 a 24 de Junho – Amesterdão
FENCA Congress 2022 - FENCA
The Federation of European National Collection Associations (FENCA) represents the interests of the European receivables management sector.
Congresso FENCA 2022
22 a 24 de Junho – Amesterdão
FENCA Congress 2022 - FENCA
The Federation of European National Collection Associations (FENCA) represents the interests of the European receivables management sector.
Horário - Segunda a Sexta
Das 9.30h - 13h e 14h - 18h.
Avenida Duque de Ávila, 64 - 6º C
1050 - 083 Lisboa
Telefone: 21 314 33 93
eMail: geral@aperc.pt